The BJCP Exam prep class below will help you maximize your score on the exam. We’ve put together an overview of the written exam and a detailed process for each question. Follow the link below to head to the free overview!
- Prerequisites
- In Depth Question Review
- Tips and Tricks
- Study Material
- Quiz Sets
The official BJCP Exam Study Guide provides the best framework for outlining everything that you’ll need to study for all of the BJCP exams. The eLearning classes above will help you round out your studies with specific techniques for learning the material and ways to study. For a list of books to read, check out additional exam prep resources here.
The first step in becoming a certified judge is to sit for the BJCP Entrance Exam. The exam consists of 180 question to be answered in 60 minutes. You must answer 116 correctly to pass the exam with a 64%. This BJCP Exam is an open book, online test with a mix of True/False, Multiple Choice, and Multiple Choice/Multiple Answer. 20 of the questions will be specific to the BJCP Program and Ethics. The remainder are on beer styles, beer characteristics, The entrance exam cost is $10.